Does it seem like your relationship is about to hit the rocks? You are about to call it quits and move on but you seem stuck at making such a huge decision.
When is it time to end a long-term relationship? it might seem pretty confusing on the best way to get over your soulmate and moving on seems like an impossible process.
It could also take a while to make a concrete decision, but you will be glad you did after you consider our very own signs to end relationship conversations. But more importantly, the ways to move on after a breakup.
It would be best to state that relationships, do not only apply to romantic attractions but can also refer to friendships or acquaintances gained along the way.
So watch out for every type of relationship you are involved in, to easily detect the good traits or signs to end relationship at best.
Let’s work with 12 sure signs you need to end the relationship.
1. Your Partner Expects You To Change
A lot of change is applied when in a relationship, a great partner would help you change your outlook in terms of life’s goals and see how you can become a lot more productive and at your best.
This change is positive and is aimed at developing a better version of you, however, certain types of demand for change are simply absurd and should never be imposed as a condition for the relationship to thrive.
A good example is when your partner urges you to lose weight or dress and act a certain way.
Experiences have shown of partners who encourage their significant others to change some aspects of their body outlook, if the demand for change is not to correct or prevent a health-related or psychological breakdown but for the fancy of it, or the opinions of others.
This is one of the signs you need to end the relationship.
2. Abuse
Sometimes the mention of abuse is often to domestic or physically inflicted harm by your other, this is a red flag that holds a stop sign with the sign “time to end relationship”.
In other possible scenarios, emotional abuse is one continuously inflicted on many partners through condemnation, stigmatization, and blackmail.
Unfortunately, many find this hard to identify as signs you need to end the relationship. A lot of people ignore the aspect of the relationship that emotionally drains them of happiness.
Identifying emotional abuse might be tricky as many forms of abuse are termed as either physical or verbal.
This form of abuse is exhibited by a partner, who plays on your insecurities for their gain without consideration of your feelings or personal situation.
It is unhealthy to neglect such feelings of pain or view them as normal but come to an understanding that it is abusive and if it continues, it is a mark with clear warnings of signs to end relationship.
3. Cheating
Your relationship is not a squid game, so one mistake does not mean an automatic disqualification. Mistakes are however bound to occur, two things to consider are the motive and frequency.
Familiar with the saying, twice is a coincidence and three is a pattern? When a partner cheats, it is dependent on you to realize what step is best to take.
However, while you try to make things work, if such occurs again, it is a sign that your partner probably devalues your efforts and easily finds solace somewhere else.
This is one of the signs to end relationship thoughts in time before it results in problems. Worried about how to detect infidelity from your spouse? You can check up our article to understand signs of infidelity that are too easy to miss.
A reality check would help you realize that the consistent practice of a habit makes it harder to stop, it is only a matter of time before you begin to wallow in regret.
Of course, if your relationship has been for a long time coming, it might be tough to consider how to get the train back on track, still, you should never be too scared to make a decision.
It is better to stay single than endure topically.
4. You Begin To Cope
The early stage of every relationship seems promising with pure affection in the romantic atmosphere, it is a perfectly magical place and every move seems to say check without a clause.
There’s also a phase where the relationship suffers a few problems and this is where you learn and understand your partner a lot more.
Now, here’s the catch, the learning phase is not an endurance run where you simply have to tolerate continuously.
The moment an error becomes habitual without any intention of a change, this may the beginning of a series with signs to end relationship for good.
To easily apply this, you have to recognize the difference between settling and coping. If your partner has the habit of keeping the house messy without any signs of a change.
Or they probably see their faults as personality traits in co-owned space, then you might begin to deliberate how to end a relationship when you live together.
5. Your Partner Is Not Concerned About You
This is a bit tricky so let’s dive right in, one great part of relationships is the care and affection shown over time and this could be mistaken for concern.
Concern cuts across work, family, personal issues, and responsibilities. Your partner has to observe your space and consider how to make things work a lot more efficiently, if such concern is seldom shown this is a sign to end the relationship.
The concern, therefore, involves their response to your challenges and decision-making procedures.
Let’s take a should I end my relationship quiz.
- What are the major discussions about when you and your partner get together?
- How much do they tend to inquire about your personal life involving work, family, and other affairs?
- What seems to be their countenance when you bring up topics that relate to issues concerning you?
An honest response to those questions would help you understand If your partner is honestly making a concerted effort or need to get involved a lot more.
If after such considerations it becomes obvious your partner is only concerned about a fraction of your relationship, then you should probably consider how to review signs you need to end the relationship.
6. Trust Is Not Established
Trust is very essential in every relationship, the moment this cannot be established in a relationship, there is a cause for alarm.
Indeed, a little jealousy is a healthy trait in every relationship as it helps to establish boundaries others cannot cross with your partner, there is also a standard allowance for the fear of the unknown during the early stages.
However, if deep into the relationship, trust is not established. It might just be a call to action.
When you’re constantly suspicious about what your spouse is doing or their whereabouts and who they’re talking to, maybe it’s high time to consider what bonds you together and see if these are signs you need to end the relationship.
7. You Feel That You Have More To Lose If You Leave
Then you should probably leave, if the only reason you’re holding on is due to how far you’ve come then that is a contract, not a relationship.
A lot of people manage their relationships based on time, effort and resources spent to keep them growing. If this is your situation starting over would not be a bad idea, it’s only in your head.
You need to learn to shy away from the possibilities and face reality, your fear of a breakup due to time invested would only lead to an eventual breakup.
The relationship has therefore become casual, it is left for you to decide when is it time to end a casual relationship.
Do not stay with the wrong person based on pressures or fear, learn to reach out for your happiness and stick with that.
8. You Are Constantly Disrespected
Most times your partner is the super amazing and affectionate individual whenever you’re together. But, in public, they become completely different.
They probably avoid staying close to you in public gatherings or making silly jokes about you around friends in a demeaning manner.
Other times might involve your partner repeatedly doing something you’ve openly expressed your negative concerns about.
Sometimes your relationship feels like you are controlled and even ignored by your partner.
Disrespect is a red flag in a relationship when it has been discussed and does not seem to have a turnaround. A continuous show of such attitudes are signs to end relationship thoughts at best.
9. Reduced Intimacy
At some point, things tend to go on a downward slide. It probably seems like a distance in communication but in true intimacy in on a landslide.
Not to worry, this happens in every relationship, you won’t be crazy about each other 24/7, these are not signs to end relationship abruptly.
This whole process begins to take root soon after the honeymoon stage and simply needs the right kind of physical connection to spice up the relationship to its start.
Now, here is the worry part, this is the role of both parties so if one person is distant in regaining intimacy, then there is a challenge.
A reluctant partner may signify that they’re tired and just wants to move on if the male partner indicates a lack of interest in your advances. These are obvious signs the relationship is over for him.
10. You Can’t Take Your Partner Home
There is a certain rush of excitement when it’s time to introduce your partner to loved ones and family, the eagerness is always above the roof as you can’t wait to show your loved ones who you care about.
If at any point, there seems to be a reluctance to make that solid move, then you need a checklist to understand why you don’t want to.
Your family and friends are the inner circles you want your partner to feel comfortable with, giving them undeniable access to this person is a true sign of commitment.
Also, if your partner shies away from any opportunity for you to meet their family after you met theirs, you’re probably not your partner’s choice in the first place.
When your partner is introduced to your family, if they do not make any effort to connect and know them better, those are signs to end relationship.
11. Constant Relationship Anxiety
Anxiety in a relationship is a constant doubt regarding the possibility of you and your partner growing or surviving together.
It is a constant worry that plagues the mind in terms of the relationship’s survival, against hearsay, this is a no-no for any good relationship.
It is perfectly normal to have concerns about your relationship, but the moment it begins to lead to doubts and negative assertions.
Then the relationship is not working. A strong relationship does not have shaky foundations and therefore can withstand whatever tests it may face.
However, if your relationship has a steady history of failures and disagreements, you might as well consider it a sign to call quits.
12. You Are Not Happy In Your Relationship
Over time it has been proven that a lot of people in relationships are simply not happy, have you tried to increase your levels of happiness to no avail? Sometimes unhappy relationships seem like a dark tunnel with no escape route, there’s a temptation to meet other people, other relationships just seem so happy.
It sometimes results in depression and the feeling that you could be happier if you were in a different situation, these are serious signs to end relationship before you set sail.
These feelings should be acknowledged and respectfully communicated to your partner. After evaluating the situation and seeing if it resonates in the same manner with your partner, it would be best to either take a break or admit that it’s time to end the relationship.
You will benefit after considering the position in which your relationship and making the right decisions to prevent a toxic situation.
Remember your relationship should improve your well-being not contribute to any forms of depression, the decision to stay or leave a relationship is yours and should be carefully considered before taking action.
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